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Microcode 1.0 Complete

Time to celebrate! I powered through the remainder of the microcode for the core machine instructions, along with a full test suite to verify each instruction, and it all works. That’s 50 different instructions, and a couple of hundred individual tests. The test suite program alone fills more than half the machine’s ROM. Whew! I’m beat.

What I call the “core” instructions are the overlap between the 6502 instruction set (from which I’ve largely adopted the assembler syntax) and BMOW’s instruction set. That means jumps, subroutines, branches, math, boolean operators, comparisons, stack manipulation… everything you would need to write a real program. It obviously doesn’t include instructions related to 6502-specific features, like the Y register and zero-page addressing. It also doesn’t include planned BMOW-specific instructions and addressing modes; these will come later, but they aren’t essential. The core instructions provide all the functionality needed for most programs.

I resolved the problem regarding overwritten condition codes with the quick and dirty solution I first thought of. The machine saves and restores the CC’s on the stack during the instruction’s execution. ADC, SBC, ROL, and ROR all faced this problem, and my solution adds 3-4 clock cycles to those instructions. That stinks, but at least it works.

Ultimately, I think I may implement the extra carry pseudo-flag I described previously. That would let me reclaim the lost clock cycles on those four instructions, and also save a cycle on several other instructions in certain cases. Perhaps more importantly, it would also remove the need for many other instructions (like branches, or anything using x-indexed addressing mode) to modify the condition codes.

Here’s the source for BMOW Microcode 1.0. The microcode syntax is mostly self-explanatory. Each line is prefixed by a set of condition codes. A prefix of “*” means the line should be used no matter what the values of the condition codes, while a prefix like c=1 means the line should only be used if the carry flag equals 1. Each line (or pair of lines, in cases like c=0, c=1) represents one phase (one clock cycle) of the instruction’s execution.

The longest instructions are BRK (all the machine state must be saved) and ROR (rotate right is performed by repeated rotate lefts). Each is 16 cycles. At the other extreme, INX, DEX, ASL, TAX, and TXA are all 1 cycle, and many others are 2 cycles.

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