Archive for February, 2025
New Product and Mea Culpa
Today I’m happy to share a long-overdue new product announcement, as well as a firmware update for the BMOW Floppy Emu disk emulator.
The new product is an updated Macintosh ROM SIMM, the Mac ROM-inator II Carbon, which has replaced the ROM-inator II Atom. The Carbon has already been in the BMOW store for several months, but I never got around to formally announcing it until today. Like all versions of the ROM-inator II, the Carbon offers a great upgrade for the the Macintosh SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, and IIsi, offering a bootable ROM disk, 32-bit cleanliness, HD20 hard disk support, and more. The Carbon has twice as much memory (4 MB) as the previous ROM-inator model, which enables the storage of a substantially larger compressed ROM disk. The Carbon’s ROM disk contains a full version of System 7.1 along with a suite of recovery/diagnostic utilities that have proven useful. Compared to the Atom, the Carbon has a larger selection of utilities and games, and the System folder is more amply populated.
Version 250225A of the Floppy Emu firmware addresses a bug that affected some WOZ disk images for Apple II computers, causing them to fail to load correctly, and making it difficult or impossible to format WOZ images. I only became aware of this bug a few days ago, but determined that it’s been present since November 2022! I am scratching my head over how it could have been broken for so long without me or anyone else noticing. Probably we all chalked up any WOZ problems we encountered to other issues, and didn’t notice that disks that worked in 2021 and early 2022 firmware versions did not work under later firmware versions. If you use WOZ disk images frequently with your Floppy Emu and Apple II, you’ll definitely want to get this update. The Macintosh/Lisa version of the firmware was not affected and has not changed. Apologies for letting this issue go undetected for so long!
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