An Idea for Macintosh Disk Daisy-Chaining
The Apple II family of computers supports daisy chaining disk drives, but the classic Macintosh family sadly does not. This means it’s impossible to create a Mac equivalent of Floppy Emu‘s Apple II Dual 5.25 Inch Floppy emulation mode, or its four-disk Smartport hard disk mode. Apple II computers have two separate ENABLE signals on the disk I/O connector, as well as an ENABLE35 signal, which allows for directly addressing four separate drives on the same connector. This can be expanded to even larger numbers of drives through additional tricks. In contrast, the Mac only has a single ENABLE signal and no ENABLE35, so it’s physically impossible to address more than one disk drive. Unless… I recently had an exciting shower idea (my best place for inspiration) that might offer a solution.
Dual Macintosh Hard Disk
Floppy Emu can emulate an HD20-type hard disk, which is an older type of non-SCSI hard disk that connects to the computer’s floppy port. A real HD20 hard disk actually does support daisy chaining: you can plug a second one into the back of the first. The computer uses an HD20-specific mechanism for addressing the desired disk. When ENABLE is asserted, the first HD20 is selected. If PHASE3 (also called LSTROBE) is toggled while ENABLE remains asserted, logic inside the HD20 drive will deselect the first drive and select the second. Each additional PHASE3 toggle selects the next disk in the chain.
You probably didn’t know that Floppy Emu already supports this, in a limited way. At the lower-left corner of the board, there’s an unpopulated footprint labeled J7, which provides a decoded enable signal for the next HD20 hard disk in the chain. You’ll have to kluge together your own custom cable for connecting the daisy-chained HD20, but it works. I even designed a hardware adapter to make this easier, but never sold it. And now that I’ve told you about this, I’ll also tell you that I plan to break this undocumented J7 signal in a future firmware release.
You know what would be better than daisy-chaining a second physical HD20 hard disk? Making Floppy Emu emulate two separate HD20 hard disks at the same time. This is such an obvious idea that I’m unsure why I never thought of it before. Emulating two hard disks simultaneously would be fantastic for booting one and formatting the other, or copying files between the two. Both of those jobs are currently impossible with the Floppy Emu, and require using additional disks or PC-based disk image editors. It should be fairly simple to make it happen: instead of using that J7 signal to enable a second external HD20 hard disk, use the same signal to enable a second emulated disk. The necessary UI and dual-disk guts could be borrowed from the Apple II version of Floppy Emu firmware.
Dual Macintosh Floppy Drives
The PHASE3 toggling trick works for HD20 hard disks because the Macintosh ROM already contains the necessary code. But could the same trick be used to select multiple daisy-chained floppy disks? This would require a Macintosh INIT or System Extension that patches the floppy disk controller code in ROM, fools the computer into thinking there are three floppy drives (one internal and two external), and performs the PHASE3 toggling every time it accesses the floppy drive. On a real floppy drive this wouldn’t do anything, and attempting to select the second external drive would simply select the first one again. But on a Floppy Emu with appropriate firmware support, it should theoretically work as intended. This ROM patch would also need some way of detecting whether the external drive were a dual-drive capable Floppy Emu, or a single-drive Floppy Emu, or a real floppy drive.
The floppy disk controller code in ROM would also need to be reviewed to look for existing places where PHASE3 might be changed while ENABLE is asserted. These would act as false positives, triggering unwanted selection of the second drive. I’m unsure if the existing code does this, or if it does, how difficult it might be to change. Maybe a different selection mechanism than PHASE3 toggling would be required. Maybe all the disk I/O signals are already overloaded during floppy disk I/O and there’s no practical way of using them to select a second drive. More research is needed.
Whatever the final selection mechanism is, this kind of INIT-based ROM patching is far beyond my Mac programming skill level, and also beyond my interest level. But I’m hoping that somebody reading this might have interest and the necessary skills. I think there would need to be a separate patch for each unique Macintosh ROM: one for the Mac 128K and 512K, another for the Mac 512Ke and Plus, another for the Mac SE, another for each of the Macintosh II models… a lot. The necessary changes would be mostly the same in each case, but the patch location and details would differ. If this makes sense to you, and you think you have the knowledge to make an INIT patch like this, please let me know!
Assuming that ROM is patched somehow, and there now exists a way to physically select a second floppy drive, there’s still a question whether Floppy Emu could actually emulate two 3.5 inch floppy drives. There are major reasons to think it might not be possible. Although the hardware can emulate two 5.25 inch floppy drives for the Apple II, 3.5 inch floppy drives are much more complicated. 3.5 inch drives have 10 internal 1-bit state registers for tracking things like which direction to step tracks, and Floppy Emu maintains this state entirely within its CPLD logic chip. The chip doesn’t have enough logic resources to store two copies of these state registers, and there’s no mechanism for the microcontroller to directly query or set this state. Making this work for two 3.5 inch floppy drives would therefore require some creative solutions that I can’t see right now. But this is ultimately an emulator hardware limitation, and dual 3.5 is at least theoretically possible with a patched ROM.
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Isn’t the Mac SE one of the only Macs that can officially support up to three floppy drives? (The LC I believe is also capable of this.) I wonder how the ROM in the SE/LC handles this, and if it can be used as a model to write a patch for other Macs.
Yes the Mac SE can have two internal floppy drives and one external. But it’s a little different from what I’m describing here, because each of the three drives has a separate connector and a separate enable signal. If I recall, the third enable signal is generated from an unused output pin on the VIA chip, since the IWM only has two enable output pins. I never heard about the Mac LC doing the same thing, but it sounds reasonable.
I bet this could be used to provide the floppy with the HD20 driver that a 512K needs to boot from HD20. I don’t have a 512K and my Plus’s ROM has the driver, but I imagine at least a few people would have a use for this.
Hi, the SE and the Portable are the only macs able to handle natively 3 floppy drives, the LC doesn’t.