Archive for November, 2010
Tiny CPU Instruction Set
After four months of inactivity, here’s some documentation for the Tiny CPU instruction set.
opcode |
x0 |
x1 |
x2 |
x3 |
x4 |
x5 |
x6 |
x7 |
x8 |
x9 |
xA |
xB |
xC |
xD |
xE |
xF |
0x |
SUB abs | SUB imm | SUB abs,X | ADD abs | ADD imm | ADD abs,X | CMP abs | CMP imm | CMP abs,X | NOR abs | NOR imm | NOR abs,X | ||||
1x |
LDA abs | LDA imm | LDA abs,X | STA abs | STA imm | STA abs,X | LDX abs | LDX imm | CPX abs | CPX imm | STX abs | |||||
2x |
BNE abs |
BEQ abs | BCC abs | BCS abs | ||||||||||||
3x |
PLA | PLX | RETURN | PHA | PHX | JMP abs | CALL abs | INX | DEX |
Addressing Modes
imm | immediate | LDA #$1F | operand is literal byte $1F |
abs | absolute | LDA $1FF | operand is contents of address $1FF |
abs,X | absolute, X-indexed | LDA $1FF,X | operand is contents of address formed by adding $1FF to the value in the X register |
impl | implied | INX | operand is implied by the instruction |
The instruction’s opcode is packed into the most significant six bits of a program byte. Instructions with no operands (implied addressing) require only a single program byte. Address operands are 10 bits, formed from the least significant two bits of the first program byte, and all eight bits of the second program byte. Immediate operands are 8 bits, taken from the second program byte. |
Programmer-Visible Registers
PC | program counter (10 bit) |
SP | stack pointer (6 bit) |
A | accumulator (8 bit) |
X | index register (8 bit) |
SR | status register [carry, zero] (2 bit) |
Processor Stack
LIFO, top down, 64 entry, $3C0 – $3FF |
ADD — add to accumulator with carry-out |
A, C <- A + OPERAND |
status flags affected: C, Z |
BCC — branch if carry flag is clear |
PC <- OPERAND if C = 0 |
status flags affected: none |
BCS — branch if carry flag is set |
PC <- OPERAND if C = 1 |
status flags affected: none |
BEQ — branch is zero flag is set |
PC <- OPERAND if Z = 1 |
status flags affected: none |
BNE — branch is zero flag is clear |
PC <- OPERAND if Z = 0 |
status flags affected: none |
CALL — push return address onto stack, and branch to new location |
(SP) <- PC |
status flags affected: none |
CMP — compare with accumulator |
status flags affected: C, Z |
CPX — compare with X register |
status flags affected: C, Z |
DEX — decrement X register |
X <- X – 1 |
status flags affected: Z |
INX — increment X register |
X <- X + 1 |
status flags affected: Z |
JMP — branch to new location |
status flags affected: none |
LDA — load accumulator |
status flags affected: Z |
LDX — load X register |
status flags affected: Z |
NOR — bitwise nor with accumulator |
status flags affected: Z |
PHA — push accumulator onto stack |
(SP) <- A |
status flags affected: none |
PHX — push X register onto stack |
(SP) <- X |
status flags affected: none |
PLA — pull stack value into accumulator |
A <- (SP) |
status flags affected: none |
PLX — pull stack value into X register |
X <- (SP) |
status flags affected: none |
RETURN — pull stack value into program counter, and branch to new location |
PC <- (SP) |
status flags affected: none |
STA — store accumulator |
status flags affected: none |
STX — store X register |
status flags affected: none |
SUB — subtract from accumulator with carry-out |
A, C <- A – OPERAND |
status flags affected: C,Z |