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BMOW Simulator

I spent a few days last week, and wrote a functional simulator for BMOW. This replaces the hardware-level Verilog simulation with a custom program written to match the behavior of the BMOW microcode interpreter. The simulator loads the microcode ROM images as well as the program boot ROM, so the simulation will keep working fine regardless of later ROM changes.

I’m really happy with the way the whole thing turned out. It’s probably one of the most interesting pieces of software I’ve ever written. Here’s a screenshot of the simulator in action:

simulator screenshot

The top-left panel shows the current state of the registers and condition codes, as well as the current opcode, instruction, and phase (the index of the current micro-instruction). Eventually this area will also show the current state of the LCD.

The top-right is a standard memory view. Just type in the base address of the region of memory to examine.

At the bottom-left is the source view. This shows a disassembly of the program boot ROM, in the area near the PC. Yes, I wrote a BMOW-6502 disassembler to generate the source for this view. The current instruction is shown with a yellow arrow, and you can set breakpoints by clicking in the margin to the left of an instruction, just like in Visual Studio.

The bottom-right is the microcode source view. It shows a micro-disassembly (yes, I wrote a second disassembler) of the instruction currently being executed in the source view. The microinstructions in each phase are shaded the same color, to make it easier to visualize the groupings. Only one microinstruction from each phase will get executed, depending on the state of the condition codes at the time of execution.

Breakpoints can be set in the microcode too. Here you can see I set a breakpoint within BCS (branch if carry set) for the case where the branch is taken but the address arithmetic doesn’t generate an address carry when adding the branch offset to the PC. This is really cool, in my not-so-disinterested opinion.

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