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GS/OS 6.0.2 for Floppy Emu


If you follow the Apple II world, then you probably already know that a group of hobbyists recently released GS/OS 6.0.2 – a new version of the Apple IIGS operating system based upon Apple’s last official version from 1993. This new version includes many bug fixes and added features.

To make life easier for Floppy Emu owners, I’ve created this pre-configured GS/OS 6.0.2 hard disk image. It’s a 32 MB ProDOS disk image with GS/OS 6.0.2 already installed and ready to go. If your Floppy Emu has the Apple II firmware installed and is set for Smartport mode, then all you need to do is copy the smart0.po file onto your SD card, and power up your IIGS to begin exploring 6.0.2. Even if you don’t have a Floppy Emu, this disk image should also work with other Apple II hard disk emulators – it’s just a generic ProDOS disk image.

Some software-based Apple IIGS emulators like Sweet16 don’t like ProDOS disk images that are larger than 800K. For those, I’ve also created a pre-configured GS/OS 6.0.2 hard disk image in 2MG format. This 2MG disk image will also work with Floppy Emu, but I/O performance will be worse than with the PO disk image, so the PO version is preferred.

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6 Comments so far

  1. Tim Buchheim - July 27th, 2015 9:41 am

    Thanks! That will save a lot of time. 🙂

  2. Charles - August 3rd, 2015 1:26 pm

    THANKS MAN! Your alright! I don’t care what they say about you! 🙂
    I downloaded this and put it on my SD card… She works good!

  3. Chase Rayfield - August 5th, 2015 7:27 pm
  4. Kay Yu - August 23rd, 2015 3:51 am

    yeah.. I thought u meant ‘6.0.3’ ..? but I don’t mind 6.0.2 either 🙂

  5. Anonymous - December 11th, 2023 1:40 pm

    How much RAM required?

  6. tim1724 - December 11th, 2023 6:54 pm

    I think System 6.0.x was officially supported on machines with 1.5MB of RAM but realistically you should have at least 2 MB. I had 3 MB in my GS back in the day. (Now I have 5 MB.)

    Oh, and the latest version is System 6.0.4 (released in 2017). If you’re using HFS disks it’s best to install version 1.04b of the HFS FST, which was released sometime in 2020. (Some copies of 6.0.4 have it installed, but the original release didn’t include it.)

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